科学技术名词为您提供侧梁,side sill,侧梁的意思,side sill的意思,侧梁的英文,side sill的翻译,侧梁的翻译,侧梁是什么意思,侧梁什么意思,side sill是什么意思,side sill什么意思
侧梁 相关科技名词
- 均衡拉杆equalizing pull rod
- 均衡杠杆equalizing lever
- 手制动曲拐hand brake bell crank
- 手制动链轮hand brake sheave wheel
- 停驻制动parking braking
- 直接进入阀direct admission valve
- 滚圈rolling ring
- 真空缸vacuum chamber
- 高鹅头弯管high level bend;swan neck
- 分配阀试验台distributing valve test rack
- 单车试验器single car testing device
- 列车制动试验器train brake tester
- 列车尾部风压反馈train rear end air pressure feedback
- 车体car body
- 流线型车体streamlined car body
- 摆式车体pendulum type car body
- 侧倾车体tilting type car body
- 车体侧倾装置car body tilting device
- 钢结构steel structure
- 车体骨架body framing
- 板梁式钢结构plate girder type steel structure
- 桁架式钢结构truss type steel structure
- 薄壁筒体结构thin-shelled tubular structure
- 整体承载结构monocoque structure;integral loadcarrying structure
- 构件structural member
- 杆件member
- 底架underframe
- 有中梁底架underframe with center sill
- 无中梁底架underframe without center sill
- 活动中梁底架underframe with sliding center sill;cushioning underframe
- 裙板apron
- 中梁center sill
- 中梁悬臂部overhang;cantilever portion of center sill
- 侧梁side sill
- 端梁end sill
- 枕梁body bolster
- 大横梁cross bearer
- 小横梁crosstie
- 辅助梁floor stringer
- 缓冲梁buffer beam