无效运输 ineffective traffic 无效运输的意思 ineffective traffic的意思 无效运输的英文 ineffective traffic的翻译
英文对照ineffective traffic
所属学科铁道科学技术 > 铁道运输管理与运输经济
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科学技术名词为您提供无效运输,ineffective traffic,无效运输的意思,ineffective traffic的意思,无效运输的英文,ineffective traffic的翻译,无效运输的翻译,无效运输是什么意思,无效运输什么意思,ineffective traffic是什么意思,ineffective traffic什么意思
无效运输 相关科技名词
- 行车凭证running token
- 办理闭塞blocking
- 进路route
- 准备进路preparation of the route
- 列车进路train route
- 调车进路shunting route
- 通过进路through route
- 接车进路receiving route
- 发车进路departure route
- 平行进路parallel route
- 敌对进路conflicting route
- 开放信号clearing signal
- 关闭信号closing signal
- 调车shunting;resorting;car classification
- 解体调车break-up of trains
- 编组调车make-up of trains
- 摘挂调车detaching and attaching of cars
- 取送调车taking-out and placing-in of cars
- 推送调车push-pull shunting
- 溜放调车fly-shunting;coasting;jerking
- 驼峰调车humping
- 有调中转车停留时间detention time of car in transit with resorting
- 集结时间car detention time under accumulation
- 无调中转车停留时间detention time of car in transit without resorting
- 中转车平均停留时间average detention time of car in transit
- 双重作业double freight operations
- 一次货物作业平均停留时间average detention time of local car for loading or unloading
- 车站办理车数number of inbound and outbound car handled at station
- 车站技术作业表station technical working diagram
- 现在车cars on hand
- 运用车serviceable car;car for traffic use;cars open to traffic
- 非运用车non-serviceable car;car not for traffic use
- 列车编组顺序表train consist list;train list
- 列车预报train list information in advance
- 列车确报train list information after depar-ture
- 车流car flow
- 车流组织organization of car flow
- 货物列车编组计划freight train formation plan
- 车流径路car flow routing
- 列车去向train destination