同方向列车连发间隔时间 time interval for two trains despatching in succession in the same direction
英文对照time interval for two trains despatching in succession in the same direction
所属学科铁道科学技术 > 铁道运输管理与运输经济
见载刊物《铁道科技名词》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供同方向列车连发间隔时间,time interval for two trains despatching in succession in the same direction,同方向列车连发间隔时间的意思,time interval for two trains despatching in succession in the same direction的意思,同方向列车连发间隔时间的英文,time interval for two trains despatching in succession in the same direction的翻译,同方向列车连发间隔时间的翻译,同方向列车连发间隔时间是什么意思,同方向列车连发间隔时间什么意思,time interval for two trains despatching in succession in the same direction是什么意思,time interval for two trains despatching in succession in the same direction什么意思
同方向列车连发间隔时间 相关科技名词
- 移交车loaded cars to be delivered at junc-tion stations
- 空车走行率percentage of empty to loaded car kilometers
- 货车周转距离average car-kilometers in one turnround
- 货车中转距离average car-kilometers per transit operation
- 管内装卸率local loading and unloading rate
- 货车周转时间car turnround time
- 运用车保有量number of serviceable cars held kept
- 货车日车公里car kilometers per car per day
- 列车密度train density
- 技术速度technical speed
- 旅行速度travelling speed;commercial speed
- 列车出发正点率percentage of punctuality of trains despatched to total trains
- 列车运行正点率percentage of punctuality of trains running to total trains
- 铁路运输调度railway traffic control;railway traffic dispatching
- 调度所traffic controller's office;dis- patcher's office
- 调度区段train dispatching section;train control section
- 调度命令traffic [dispatching] order;train [dispatching] order
- 车流调整adjustment of car flow
- 装车调整adjustment of car loading
- 空车调整adjustment of empty cars
- 备用货车reserved cars
- 运输工作日常计划day-to-day traffic working plan
- 调度日班计划daily and shift traffic plans
- 运行图‘天窗’‘sky-light’in the train diagram;‘gap’ in the train diagram
- 车站作业计划station operating plan
- 车站班计划station shift operating plan
- 车站阶段计划station stage operating plan
- 调车作业计划shunting operation plan
- 列车运行调整train operation adjustment
- 运转车长train guard
- 列车等级train class
- 反向行车train running in reverse direction
- 列车运缓train running delay
- 列车等线train waiting for a receiving track
- 列车保留train stock reserved
- 列车停运withdrawal of train
- 列车加开running of extra train
- 运输方案traffic program
- 分界点train spacing point
- 线路所block post