季风 相关科技名词
- 大圆海图great circle chart;gnomonic chart
- 空白定位图plotting chart
- 航路设计图routing chart
- 新版图new edition chart
- 改版图large correction chart
- 罗兰海图Loran chart
- 台卡海图Decca chart
- 奥米伽海图Omega chart
- 图号chart number
- 邻图索引index of adjoining chart
- 海图基准面chart datum
- 海图水深sounding
- 对景图view
- 海图比例尺chart scale
- 局部比例尺local scale
- 基准纬度standard parallel
- 小改正small correction
- 海图卡片chart card
- 海图标题栏chart legend
- 航用海图navigational chart
- 沿岸图coastal chart
- 港泊图harbor plan
- 航用参考图non-navigational chart
- 总图general chart
- 大洋水深图ocean sounding chart
- 洋流图ocean current chart
- 等磁差图isogonic chart
- 平面图plane chart
- 墨卡托投影Mercator projection
- 高斯-克吕格投影Gauss-Krüger projection
- 日晷投影gnomonic projection
- 圆柱投影cylindrical projection
- 圆锥投影conical projection
- 等角投影equiangle projection
- 海图图式symbols and abbreviations of charts
- 岸coast
- 岸线coastline
- 沿岸地形coastal feature
- 自然地貌natural feature
- 控制点control point