英文对照tetraploid breeding technique
见载刊物《海洋科学名词》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供四倍体育种技术,tetraploid breeding technique,四倍体育种技术的意思,tetraploid breeding technique的意思,四倍体育种技术的英文,tetraploid breeding technique的翻译,四倍体育种技术的翻译,四倍体育种技术是什么意思,四倍体育种技术什么意思,tetraploid breeding technique是什么意思,tetraploid breeding technique什么意思
四倍体育种技术 相关科技名词
- 封闭式循环水养殖closed culture with circulating water
- 网箱养殖net cage culture;cage culture
- 池塘养殖pond culture
- 港[塭]养[殖]marine pond extensive culture
- 滩涂养殖tidal flat culture
- 网围养殖net enclosure culture
- 筏式养殖raft culture
- 单养monoculture
- 混养polyculture
- 轮养rotational culture
- 鱼类病理学fish pathology
- 鱼类免疫学fish immunology
- 鱼类药理学fish pharmacology
- 传染性胰脏坏死病infectious pancreatic necrosis
- 传染性造血器官坏死病infectious hematopoietic necrosis
- 病毒性出血败血症viral hemorrhagic septicemia
- 淋巴囊肿病lymphocystis disease
- 真鲷虹彩病毒病iridoviral disease of red sea bream
- 日本鳗虹彩病毒病iridoviral disease of Japanese eel
- 鲑疱疹病毒病herpesvirus salmonis disease
- 病毒性上皮增生症viral epidermal hyperplasia
- 银大麻哈鱼疱疹病毒病herpesviral disease of coho salmon
- 牙鲆弹状病毒病hirame rhabdoviral disease
- 病毒性红细胞坏死症viral erythrocytic necrosis
- 病毒性神经坏死病viral nervous necrosis
- 对虾白斑[综合]症white spot syndrome of prawn
- 对虾红腿病red appendages disease of prawn
- DNA探针DNA probe
- 酶联免疫吸附测定enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay;ELISA
- 荧光抗体技术fluorescent antibody technique
- 益生菌probiotics
- 海洋捕捞marine fishing
- 近海捕捞inshore fishing
- 外海捕捞offshore fishing
- 远洋捕捞distant fishing
- 瞄准捕捞aimed fishing
- 遥感探鱼fish finding by remote sensing
- 探鱼仪fish finder
- 垂直探鱼仪vertical fish finder
- 水平探鱼仪horizontal fish finder