英文对照observing technology of suspending material in sea water
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科学技术名词为您提供海水中悬浮物观测技术,observing technology of suspending material in sea water,海水中悬浮物观测技术的意思,observing technology of suspending material in sea water的意思,海水中悬浮物观测技术的英文,observing technology of suspending material in sea water的翻译,海水中悬浮物观测技术的翻译,海水中悬浮物观测技术是什么意思,海水中悬浮物观测技术什么意思,observing technology of suspending material in sea water是什么意思,observing technology of suspending material in sea water什么意思
海水中悬浮物观测技术 相关科技名词
- 海洋地热流调查marine heat flow survey
- 垂直地震剖面vertical seismic profiles;VSP
- 深拖声学地球物理系统deep-tow acoustics/geophysics system;DTAGS
- 颠倒温度表reversing thermometer
- 投弃式温深仪expendable bathythermograph;XBT
- 机载投弃式温深仪aerial expendable bathythermograph;AXBT
- 温度链thermistor chain
- 温盐深测量仪conductivity-temperature-depth system;CTD
- 拖曳式温盐深测量仪towed CTD
- [实验室]盐度计salinometer
- 海流计current meter
- 声学多普勒海流剖面仪acoustical Doppler current profiler;ADCP
- 声学相关海流剖面仪acoustical correlation current profiler;ACCP
- 漂流浮标drifting buoy
- 剖面探测浮标profiling float
- 测波仪wave gauge
- 测波浮标wave buoy
- 验潮仪tide gauge
- 验潮井tide gauge well
- 水尺tide staff
- 海水透射率仪seawater transmittance meter
- 海水浊度仪seawater turbidity meter
- 海水光散射仪seawater scatterance meter
- 水下辐照度计underwater irradiance meter
- 海水透明度盘Secchi disk
- 水下照相机underwater camera
- 水下电视机underwater TV
- 海水荧光计sea water fluorometer
- 船用分光光度计shipboard spectrophotometer
- 水下声速仪underwater sound velocimeter
- 声释放器acoustic release
- 声应答器acoustic transponder
- 水下声学定位underwater acoustic positioning
- 水下声学通信underwater acoustic communication
- 海洋水质监测仪multiparameter water quality probe
- 海水酸度计marine pH meter
- 海水溶解氧测定仪dissolved oxygen meter for seawater
- 营养盐现场自动分析仪autonomous nutrient analyzer in situ;ANAIS
- 海水中悬浮物观测技术observing technology of suspending material in sea water
- 高频地波雷达high frequency ground wave radar