斜浪航行 steaming with the sea on the bow or quarter 斜浪航行的意思 steaming with the sea on the bow or quarter的意思
英文对照steaming with the sea on the bow or quarter
见载刊物《航海科技名词》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供斜浪航行,steaming with the sea on the bow or quarter,斜浪航行的意思,steaming with the sea on the bow or quarter的意思,斜浪航行的英文,steaming with the sea on the bow or quarter的翻译,斜浪航行的翻译,斜浪航行是什么意思,斜浪航行什么意思,steaming with the sea on the bow or quarter是什么意思,steaming with the sea on the bow or quarter什么意思
斜浪航行 相关科技名词
- 遭遇周期period of encounter
- 横摇周期rolling period
- 纵摇周期pitching period
- 谐摇synchronous rolling;synchronism
- 上浪shipping sea
- 砰击slamming
- 艉淹pooping
- 打横broach to
- 顶浪航行steaming head to sea
- 顺浪航行running with the sea
- 斜浪航行steaming with the sea on the bow or quarter
- 滞航heave to
- 漂航drifting
- 运河操纵maneuvering in canal
- 狭水道操纵maneuvering in narrow channel
- 岸壁效应bank effect
- 船吸效应interaction between ships
- 浅水效应shallow water effect
- 富余水深under keel clearance;UKC
- 触礁strike on a rock
- 触损contact damage
- 浪损damage caused by waves
- 墩底striking bottom
- 搁浅aground;strand
- 触浅touch ground;touch bottom
- 人员落水man overboard
- 单向旋回法single turn
- 威廉逊旋回法Williamson turn
- 斯恰诺旋回法Schrnow turn
- 进闸操纵locking maneuver
- 进坞操纵docking maneuver
- 冰中操船shiphandling in ice
- 冰中护航convoy in ice
- 冰困icebound
- 内河引航inland waterway navigation and pilotage
- 内陆水道inland waterway
- 队形灯station light
- 海员通常做法ordinary practice of seaman
- 特殊情况special circumstances
- 紧迫局面close quarters situation