运河操纵 maneuvering in canal 运河操纵的意思 maneuvering in canal的意思 运河操纵的英文 maneuvering in canal的翻译
科学技术名词为您提供运河操纵,maneuvering in canal,运河操纵的意思,maneuvering in canal的意思,运河操纵的英文,maneuvering in canal的翻译,运河操纵的翻译,运河操纵是什么意思,运河操纵什么意思,maneuvering in canal是什么意思,maneuvering in canal什么意思
运河操纵 相关科技名词
- 横越crossing ahead
- 碰撞危险risk of collision
- 让路船give-way vessel
- 直航船stand-on vessel
- 锚泊船anchored vessel
- 搁浅船vessel aground
- 号灯light
- 号型shape
- 桅灯masthead light
- 舷灯sidelight
- 艉灯sternlight
- 拖带灯towing light
- 环照灯all-round light
- 闪光灯flashing light
- 探照灯search light
- 艏灯head light
- 偏缆灯towing side light
- 艉航灯aft side light
- 巡逻艇信号patrol boat signal
- 航道艇信号channel boat signal
- 运河灯canal light
- 掉头灯swing around light
- 横江轮渡号型shape for crossing ferry
- 号灯能见距visibility of light
- 合座舷灯sidelights combined in one lantern
- 组合体composite unit
- 拖带长度length of tow
- 弹性拖曳体dracone
- 对水移动making way through water
- 声响信号sound signal
- 灯光信号light signal
- 号笛whistle
- 可听距离range of audibility
- 短声short blast
- 长声prolonged blast
- 号钟bell
- 号锣gong
- 有效声号efficient sound signal
- 操纵信号maneuvering signal
- 警告信号warning signal