船体振动试验水池 ship hull vibration testing tank 船体振动试验水池的意思 ship hull vibration testing tank的意思
英文对照ship hull vibration testing tank
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科学技术名词为您提供船体振动试验水池,ship hull vibration testing tank,船体振动试验水池的意思,ship hull vibration testing tank的意思,船体振动试验水池的英文,ship hull vibration testing tank的翻译,船体振动试验水池的翻译,船体振动试验水池是什么意思,船体振动试验水池什么意思,ship hull vibration testing tank是什么意思,ship hull vibration testing tank什么意思
船体振动试验水池 相关科技名词
- 浮性buoyancy
- 浮态floating condition
- 正浮floating on even keel;zero trim
- 横倾list;heel
- 横倾角angle of list;angle of heel
- 纵倾trim
- 纵倾角angle of trim
- 艏倾trim by bow
- 艉倾trim by stern
- 纵倾调整trim adjustment
- 浮力buoyancy force
- 损失浮力lost buoyancy
- 储备浮力reserve buoyancy
- 浮心center of buoyancy
- 漂心center of floatation
- 重心center of gravity
- 静水力曲线hydrostatic curve
- 邦戎曲线Bonjean's curves
- 横剖面面积曲线curve of sectional areas
- 费尔索夫图谱Firsov's diagram
- 水线面面积曲线curve of areas of waterplanes
- 每厘米吃水吨数曲线curve of tons per centimeter of immersion
- 每厘米纵倾力矩曲线moment to change trim one centimeter curve
- 型排水体积曲线curve of molded displaced volumes versus draft
- 总排水量曲线total displacement curve
- 稳性stability
- 横稳性transverse stability
- 纵稳性longitudinal stability
- 初稳性initial stability
- 静稳性statical stability
- 动稳性dynamical stability
- 破舱稳性damaged stability
- 大倾角稳性stability at large angle
- 复原力矩righting moment;restoring moment
- 复原力臂righting lever;restoring lever
- 稳性衡准数stability criterion numeral
- 横倾力矩heeling moment
- 纵倾力矩trimming moment
- 最小倾覆力矩capsizing moment
- 风压倾斜力矩wind heeling moment