科学技术名词为您提供共同安全,common safety,共同安全的意思,common safety的意思,共同安全的英文,common safety的翻译,共同安全的翻译,共同安全是什么意思,共同安全什么意思,common safety是什么意思,common safety什么意思
共同安全 相关科技名词
- 通商航海条约treaty of commerce and navigation
- 最惠国待遇most favored nation treatment;MFNT
- 船旗国法law of the flag
- 船舶优先权maritime lien
- 船舶抵押权ship mortgage
- 班轮运输liner service
- 不定期船运输tramp service
- 提单bill of lading;B/L
- 电子提单electronic bill of lading
- 已装船提单shipped bill of lading;on board bill of lading
- 收货待运提单received for shipment bill of lading
- 直达提单direct bill of lading
- 转船提单transhipment bill of lading
- 联运提单through bill of lading
- 清洁提单clean bill of lading
- 不清洁提单foul bill of lading
- 记名提单straight bill of lading
- 不记名提单blank bill of lading
- 指示提单order bill of lading
- 倒签提单anti-dated bill of lading
- 预借提单advanced bill of lading
- 过期提单stale bill of lading
- 简式提单short form bill of lading
- 长式提单long form bill of lading
- 多式联运提单combined transport bill of lading;multimodal transport bill of lading
- 舱面货提单on deck bill of lading
- 最低运费提单minimum freight bill of lading
- 驾驶船舶过失default in navigation of the ship
- 管理船舶过失default in management of the ship
- 通航水域navigable waters
- 绕航deviation
- 延迟交货delay in delivery
- 留置权lien
- 责任限制limitation of liability
- 承运人carrier
- 托运人shipper
- 收货人consignee
- 受货人receiver
- 提单持有人holder of bill of lading
- 通知方notify party