英文对照determination of range of audibility of sound signal
见载刊物《航海科技名词》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供号笛音响度测定,determination of range of audibility of sound signal,号笛音响度测定的意思,determination of range of audibility of sound signal的意思,号笛音响度测定的英文,determination of range of audibility of sound signal的翻译,号笛音响度测定的翻译,号笛音响度测定是什么意思,号笛音响度测定什么意思,determination of range of audibility of sound signal是什么意思,determination of range of audibility of sound signal什么意思
号笛音响度测定 相关科技名词
- 船期表sailing schedule
- 提单背书endorsement of bill of lading
- 记名背书named endorsement
- 空白背书endorsement in blank
- 提单转让transfer of bill of lading
- 保函letter of indemnity
- 首要条款paramount clause
- 喜玛拉雅条款Himalaya clause
- 不知条款unknown clause
- 承运人责任期间period of responsibility of carrier
- 谨慎处理due diligence
- 除外条款exception clause;exemption clause
- 举证责任onus of proof;burden of proof
- 管辖权条款jurisdiction clause
- 时效time bar;time limitation
- 冷藏货条款refrigerated cargo clause
- 散装货条款bulk cargo clause
- 转船条款transhipment clause
- 木材条款timber clause
- 重大件条款heavy lifts and awkward clause
- 适航seaworthiness
- 适货cargo worthiness
- 合理速遣reasonable despatch
- 货物外表状态cargo's apparent order and condition
- 地区条款local clause
- 海运单seaway bill
- 船舶所有人shipowner
- 船舶经营人ship operator
- 实际承运人actual carrier
- 承租人charterer
- 航次租船voyage charter
- 光船租赁bareboat charter
- 定期期租time charter
- 受载期laydays
- 解约日cancelling date
- 装卸期限laytime
- 宣港declaration of port
- 宣载declaration of dead weight tonnage of cargo
- 装卸时间事实记录laytime statement of fact
- 港口租船合同port charter party