英文对照time of useful consciousness
所属学科航空科学技术 > 航空安全、生命保障系统与航空医学
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科学技术名词为您提供有效意识时间,time of useful consciousness,有效意识时间的意思,time of useful consciousness的意思,有效意识时间的英文,time of useful consciousness的翻译,有效意识时间的翻译,有效意识时间是什么意思,有效意识时间什么意思,time of useful consciousness是什么意思,time of useful consciousness什么意思
有效意识时间 相关科技名词
- 火箭滑车试验rocket sled test
- 火箭滑车rocket sled
- 假人dummy;anthropomorphic dummy
- 救生性能包线escape envelope;safe ejection envelope
- 弹射轨迹ejection trajectory
- 个体防护personal protection
- 氧气系统oxygen system
- 加压供氧系统positive pressure oxygen system
- 液氧转换器liquid oxygen converter
- 机载制氧on-board oxygen generation;OBOG
- 分子筛制氧molecular sieve oxygen generation;MSOG
- 氧气调节器oxygen regulator
- 氧气余压oxygen overpressure
- 氧气压力比oxygen pressure ratio
- 氧分压oxygen partial pressure
- 缺氧警告hypoxia alarm
- 氧气面罩oxygen mask
- 呼吸压力波动breathing pressure fluctuation
- 供氧高度oxygen supply altitude
- 供氧能力oxygen delivery capacity
- 防护头盔protective helmet
- 加压头盔pressure helmet
- 通风头盔ventilation helmet
- 液冷头盔liquid-cooled helmet
- 防护服protective suit
- 抗荷服anti-G suit
- 全压服full pressure suit
- 高空代偿服high altitude compensating suit
- 代偿背心pressure jacket;waistcoat
- 调温服thermo-conditional suit
- 通风服ventilation suit
- 液冷服liquid-cooled suit
- 抗浸服anti-immersion suit
- 防核生化服nuclear biological and chemical protective suit;NBC protective suit
- 机械肺mechanical lung
- 呼气阻力expiratory resistance
- 吸气阻力inspiratory resistance
- 气动力减速器aerodynamic decelerator
- 降落锥paracone
- 降落伞parachute