英文对照operating water depth
所属学科船舶工程 > 海洋油气开发工程设施与设备
见载刊物《船舶工程名词》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供作业水深,operating water depth,作业水深的意思,operating water depth的意思,作业水深的英文,operating water depth的翻译,作业水深的翻译,作业水深是什么意思,作业水深什么意思,operating water depth是什么意思,operating water depth什么意思
作业水深 相关科技名词
- 扶正分析uprighting analysis
- 导管架上驳jacket loadout
- 导管架下水jacket launching
- 导管架就位handling and securing after upending procedure
- 吊装分析lifting analysis
- 拖航分析towing analysis
- 单点系泊single point mooring;SPM
- 单点系泊装置single point mooring unit
- 固定式单点系泊装置fixed single point mooring unit
- 浮式单点系泊装置floating single point mooring unit
- 桩式系泊塔piled mooring tower
- 重力式系泊塔gravity mooring tower
- 悬链锚腿系泊装置catenary anchor leg mooring;CALM
- 单锚腿系泊装置single anchor leg mooring;SALM
- 单锚腿储油装置single anchor leg storage;SALS
- 单浮筒储油装置single buoy storage;SBS
- 刚臂式单锚腿系泊装置single anchor leg mooring with rigid arm;SALMRA
- 轭架式单锚腿系泊装置yoke tower single anchor leg mooring
- 立管转塔式系泊装置riser turret mooring
- 铰接立管转塔式系泊装置articulated riser turret mooring
- 浮筒转塔式系泊装置buoyant turret mooring;BTM
- 轭架yoke
- 转台turntable
- 万向架gimbal table
- 锚腿anchor leg
- 系泊旋转接头mooring swivel
- 流体输送旋转接头fluid product swivel
- 快速解脱接头quick connect/disconnect coupler;QCDC
- 配重块clump weight
- 回转区域半径turning circle radius;swing circle radius
- 回转区域turning circle;swing circle
- 操纵区域maneuvering area
- 作业系泊载荷operating mooring load
- 作业系缆载荷operating hawser load
- 作业锚泊载荷operating anchor load
- 定位系统positioning system
- 动力定位dynamic positioning
- 位置检测系统position detecting system
- 推力器系统thruster system
- 锚泊定位anchor moored positioning