英文对照cabin altitude and pressure difference gage
所属学科航空科学技术 > 飞行控制、导航、显示、控制和记录系统
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科学技术名词为您提供座舱高度压差表,cabin altitude and pressure difference gage,座舱高度压差表的意思,cabin altitude and pressure difference gage的意思,座舱高度压差表的英文,cabin altitude and pressure difference gage的翻译,座舱高度压差表的翻译,座舱高度压差表是什么意思,座舱高度压差表什么意思,cabin altitude and pressure difference gage是什么意思,cabin altitude and pressure difference gage什么意思
座舱高度压差表 相关科技名词
- 专家控制系统expert control system
- 驾驶员助手系统pilotaid system
- 非等弹性力矩anisoelasticity torque
- 萨奈克效应Sagnac effect
- 陀螺稳定性stability of gyroscope
- 舒勒原理Schuler principle
- 锥效应coning effect
- 卡尔曼滤波Kalman filtering
- 傅科摆Foucault pendulum
- 惯性导航系统inertial navigation system
- 平台式惯性导航系统gimbaled inertial navigation system
- 捷联式惯性导航系统strapdown inertial navigation system
- 空中对准inflight alignment
- 自备式导航selfcontained navigation
- 惯性平台inertial platform
- 惯性传感器inertial sensor
- 航向陀螺directional gyroscope
- 垂直陀螺vertical gyroscope
- 速率陀螺rate gyroscope
- 动力调谐陀螺dynamic tuned gyroscope
- 静电悬浮陀螺electrostatically suspended gyroscope
- 液浮陀螺liquid floated gyroscope
- 激光陀螺laser gyroscope
- 半球谐振陀螺hemispherical resonance gyroscope
- 核磁共振陀螺magnetic resonance gyroscope
- 低温超导陀螺cryogenic superconducting gyroscope
- 光纤陀螺fiber gyroscope
- 磁悬浮技术magnetic suspension technique
- 陀螺漂移率gyro drift rate
- 陀螺力矩反馈试验gyro torque rebalance test
- 陀螺伺服试验gyro servo test
- 陀螺翻滚试验gyro tumbling test
- 科里奥利惯性传感器Coriolisinertial sensor
- 加速度计accelerometer
- 液浮摆式加速度计liquid floated pendulous accelerometer
- 挠性加速度计flexure accelerometer
- 振梁加速度计vibrating beam accelerometer
- 压阻加速度计piezoresistor accelerometer
- 静电加速度计electrostatic support accelerometer
- 气浮加速度计gas-bearing acceler ometer