科学技术名词为您提供相位传递函数,phase transfer function;PTF,相位传递函数的意思,phase transfer function;PTF的意思,相位传递函数的英文,phase transfer function;PTF的翻译,相位传递函数的翻译,相位传递函数是什么意思,相位传递函数什么意思,phase transfer function;PTF是什么意思,phase transfer function;PTF什么意思
相位传递函数 相关科技名词
- 地面控制点ground control point
- 像点image point
- 像主点principal point
- 立体像对pair of stereoscopic pictures;stereopair
- 视差parallax
- 像移image motion
- 像移补偿image motion compensation;IMC
- 像移补偿装置image motion compensation device
- 像移补偿精度accuracy of image motion compensation
- 径向畸变radial distortion
- 切向畸变tangential distortion
- 全景畸变panoramic distortion
- 像移补偿畸变image motion compensation distortion
- 摄影坐标系photographic coordinate system
- 摄影测量坐标系photogrammetric coordinate system
- 像片方位元素orientation element
- 内方位元素elements of interior orientation
- 外方位元素elements of exterior orientation
- 渐晕vignetting
- 像差渐晕aberration vignetting
- 恒星星等stellar magnitude
- 阈值星等magnitude of threshold
- 可测星等measurable magnitude
- 定向精度orientation accuracy
- 恒星敏感器stellar sensor
- 几何校正geometric correction;geometric rectification
- 校正仪rectifier;rectifying apparatus
- 地球曲率校正earth curvature rectification
- 姿态误差校正attitude error rectification
- 胶片photographic film
- 全色胶片panchromatic film;pan film
- 彩色胶片color film;autochrome
- 彩色反转胶片color reverse film
- 红外胶片infrared film
- 彩色红外胶片color infrared film
- 胶片变形deformation of film
- 胶片卷曲film curl
- 胶片粘连cohesion of film
- 感光度actinism;light sensitivity
- 胶片感光度film speed