英文对照strength limit of short time in high temperature
见载刊物《航天科学技术名词》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供短时高温强度极限,strength limit of short time in high temperature,短时高温强度极限的意思,strength limit of short time in high temperature的意思,短时高温强度极限的英文,strength limit of short time in high temperature的翻译,短时高温强度极限的翻译,短时高温强度极限是什么意思,短时高温强度极限什么意思,strength limit of short time in high temperature是什么意思,strength limit of short time in high temperature什么意思
短时高温强度极限 相关科技名词
- 晶间断裂intercrystalline fracture;intercrystalline rupture
- 断口金相学fractography
- 缺口敏感性notch sensitivity
- 摩擦力friction force
- 摩擦系数friction coefficient
- 允许应力permissible stress
- 内应力internal stress
- 复合应力combined stresses
- 焊接应力welding stress
- 应力松弛stress relaxation
- 应变硬化strain hardening
- 应力-应变曲线stress-strain curve
- 冲击impact
- 冲击韧度impact toughness
- 冲击敏感性impact sensitivity
- 亮度对比度brightness contrast
- 组织structure
- 显微组织microstructure
- 宏观组织macrostructure
- 过热组织overheated structure
- 疏松macroshrinkage
- 橘皮状表面orange peel
- 混杂结构hybrid structure
- 夹杂物inclusion
- 目视检查visual inspection
- 空隙率void content
- 电阻率electrical resistivity
- 表面电阻surface electrical resistance
- 体积电阻volume electrical resistance
- 磁性magnetic property
- 热阻thermal resistance
- 热损heat loss
- 比热容specific heat capacity
- 热扩散率thermal diffusivity
- 热膨胀系数thermal expansion coefficient
- 辐射系数radiation coefficient
- 酸值acid value
- 泄漏leakage
- 泄漏率leakage rate
- 闭孔率rate of closed hole