冲程 相关科技名词
- 结构structure
- 结构强度structural strength
- 外力external force
- 内力inner force
- 表面力surface force
- 集中力concentrated force
- 体积力body force
- 应力stress
- 主应力principal stress
- 应变strain
- 主应变principal strain
- 变形deformation
- 剪切弹性模量shearing elastic modulus
- 泊松比Poisson’s ratio
- 胡克定律Hook’s law
- 强度strength
- 刚度stiffness;rigidity
- 脆性brittleness
- 硬度hardness
- 强度准则criterion of strength
- 柔度flexibility;compliance
- 挠度deflection
- 比例极限proportional limit
- 弹性极限elastic limit
- 屈服极限yield limit
- 极限强度ultimate strength
- 工作载荷working load
- 设计载荷design load
- 极限载荷ultimate load
- 安全裕度margin of safety
- 局部失稳local buckling
- 总体失稳general buckling
- 应力集中stress concentration
- 疲劳寿命fatigue life
- 有限元法finite element method
- 结构建模structural modeling
- 单元element
- 超单元hyperelement
- 子结构substructure
- 节点node