歧化选择 disruptive selection 歧化选择的意思 disruptive selection的意思 歧化选择的英文 disruptive selection的翻译
科学技术名词为您提供歧化选择,disruptive selection,歧化选择的意思,disruptive selection的意思,歧化选择的英文,disruptive selection的翻译,歧化选择的翻译,歧化选择是什么意思,歧化选择什么意思,disruptive selection是什么意思,disruptive selection什么意思
歧化选择 相关科技名词
- 种质germplasm
- 自然选择natural selection
- 作物起源origin of crop
- 作物起源中心center of origin of crop
- 变异中心center of diversity
- 次级起源中心secondary center of origin
- 驯化acclimatization
- 野生近缘种wild relatives
- 植物引种plant introduction
- 遗传资源genetic resources
- 超低温保存cryopreservation
- 异地保存ex situ conservation
- 原地保存in situ conservation
- 离体保存in vitro conservation
- 种质圃field gene bank
- 基因库材料gene bank accession
- 基因文库gene library
- 遗传完整性genetic integrity
- 遗传侵蚀genetic erosion
- 正常型种子orthodox seed
- 异常型种子recalcitrant seed
- 种质基本资料passport data
- 遗传力heritability
- 遗传漂变genetic drift
- 超亲遗传transgressive inheritance
- 数量遗传quantitative inheritance
- 质量遗传qualitative inheritance
- 基因库gene bank
- 基因源gene pool
- [育性]恢复基因[fertility] restoring gene
- 加性效应additive effect
- 加性遗传方差additive genetic variance
- 剂量效应dose effect
- 显性效应dominance effect
- 雄性不育基因male sterile gene
- 基因转移gene transfer
- 基因性不育genic sterility
- 突变mutation
- 突变子muton
- 突变点mutational site