极差 相关科技名词
- 农业试验agricultural test;agricultural experiment
- 试验点test site
- 试验区test region
- 区组block
- 试验种植计划书experimental planting plan
- 试验设计experimental design
- 试验小区experimental plot
- 随机区组randomized block
- 平衡不完全区组balanced incomplete block
- 小区排列plot arrangement
- 顺序排列systematic arrangement
- 随机排列randomized arrangement
- 田间试验field experiment
- 田间技术field technique
- 处理treatment
- 对照check
- 重复replication
- 保护行guard row
- 边际效应marginal effect
- 盆栽试验pot culture experiment
- 空白试验blank test
- 穗行试验ear-to-row test
- 株行试验plant-to-row test
- 秆行试验rod-row test
- 铃行试验boll-row test
- 品种比较试验varietal yield test
- 区域试验regional test
- χ-2检验χ2-test
- 独立性检验test of independence
- 同质性检验homogeneity test
- 适合性检验test of goodness of fit
- 假设检验hypothesis test
- 无效假设null hypothesis
- 对比法pairing method
- 完全随机设计complete randomized design
- 裂区设计split plot design
- 拉丁方设计Latin square design
- 希腊拉丁方设计Greek-Latin square design
- 复拉丁方设计multiple Latin square design
- 混杂设计confounding design