英文对照normal erosion
中文又称自然侵蚀(natural erosion)
见载刊物《土壤学名词(第二版)》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供常态侵蚀,normal erosion,常态侵蚀的意思,normal erosion的意思,常态侵蚀的英文,normal erosion的翻译,常态侵蚀的翻译,常态侵蚀是什么意思,常态侵蚀什么意思,normal erosion是什么意思,normal erosion什么意思
常态侵蚀 相关科技名词
- 产沙量sediment yield
- 输沙量sediment discharge
- 含沙量sediment concentration
- 泥沙输移比sediment delivery ratio
- 泥沙质量评价sediment quality evaluation
- 土壤侵蚀综合治理comprehensive control of soil erosion
- 水土流失soil and water loss
- 城市水土流失urban soil and water loss
- 城市水土保持urban soil and water conservation
- 水土保持调查soil and water conservation survey
- 水土保持区划soil and water conservation regionalization
- 水土保持规划soil and water conservation planning
- 水土保持数据库data base of soil and water conservation
- 水土保持专家系统expert system of soil and water conservation
- 水土保持法law of soil and water conservation
- 水土保持法规laws and regulations of soil and water conservation
- 水土保持工作条例act of soil and water conservation
- 水土保持效益soil and water conservation benefit
- 水土保持生态效益ecological benefit of soil and water conservation
- 水土保持经济效益economic benefit of soil and water conservation
- 水土保持社会效益social benefit of soil and water conservation
- 水土保持产业soil and water conservation industry
- 小流域small watershed
- 小流域综合治理small watershed management
- 小流域经济small watershed economy
- 水土保持措施soil and water conservation measures
- 水土保持工程措施engineering measures of soil and water conservation
- 淤地坝warp land dam
- 谷坊check dam
- 石谷坊stone check dam
- 柳谷坊willow check dam
- 沟头防护工程gully-head protecting works
- 引洪淤地flood warping land
- 田间工程field engineering
- 梯田terrace
- 水平梯田bench terrace
- 坡式梯田slope terrace
- 隔坡梯田alternation of slope and terrace
- 复式梯田compound terrace
- 反坡梯田reversed terrace