科学技术名词为您提供沙垅,sand ridge,沙垅的意思,sand ridge的意思,沙垅的英文,sand ridge的翻译,沙垅的翻译,沙垅是什么意思,沙垅什么意思,sand ridge是什么意思,sand ridge什么意思
沙垅 相关科技名词
- 雨滴打击能量raindrop impact energy
- 雨滴击溅量raindrop splash amount
- 雨滴击溅角度raindrop splash angle
- 雨滴大小raindrop size
- 雨滴大小分布raindrop size distribution
- 降雨截流rainfall interception
- 降雨入渗rainfall infiltration
- 模拟降雨装置rainfall simulator
- 人工降雨anthropogenic rainfall;rainfall simulation
- 径流侵蚀力runoff erosivity
- 径流动能runoff kinetic energy
- 径流runoff
- 地表径流surface runoff
- 液体径流liquid runoff
- 固体径流solid runoff
- 临界径流critical runoff
- 化学径流chemical runoff
- 径流汇集runoff gathering
- 径流因子runoff factor
- 超渗径流exceed-infiltration runoff
- 蓄满径流saturated infiltration runoff
- 入渗量infiltration capacity
- 入渗曲线infiltration curve
- 壤中流subsurface flow
- 坡度slope gradient
- 陡坡steep slope
- 缓坡gentle slope
- 侵蚀临界坡度critical erosion slope
- 退耕上限坡度upper limit slope for cultivation
- 坡长slope length
- 侵蚀临界坡长critical erosion slope length
- 顺坡up and down slope
- 顺坡耕种up and down slope cultivation
- 横坡transversal slope
- 横坡耕作transversal slope cultivation
- 淤积siltation
- 沉积sedimentation
- 风积wind deposition
- 堆积accumulation
- 泥沙sediment