科学技术名词为您提供攀缘植物,climbing plant;climber,攀缘植物的意思,climbing plant;climber的意思,攀缘植物的英文,climbing plant;climber的翻译,攀缘植物的翻译,攀缘植物是什么意思,攀缘植物什么意思,climbing plant;climber是什么意思,climbing plant;climber什么意思
攀缘植物 相关科技名词
- 观赏树木ornamental tree and shrub
- 观叶植物foliage plant
- 观果植物fruit-effect plant
- 观枝干植物plants with ornamental trunks and branches
- 指示植物indicating plant
- 主景植物accent plant
- 耐湿植物damp tolerant plant
- 抗风植物wind-resistant plant
- 耐盐碱植物saline-alkali tolerant plant
- 市花city flower
- 市树city tree
- 国花national flower
- 国树national tree
- 芳香植物fragrant plant
- 抗污染植物pollution resistant plant
- 环保植物environment protecting plant
- 高山植物alpine plant
- 岩生植物rock plant
- 攀缘植物climbing plant;climber
- 地被植物ground cover plant
- 阴生植物shade plant
- 装饰植物decorative plant
- 装缘植物edging plant
- 绿蓠植物hedge plant
- 草坪植物lawn plant;lawn grass
- 花坛植物bedding plant
- 球根植物bulbous plant
- 宿根植物perennial plant;perennial
- 水生植物aquatic plant;hydrophyte
- 旱生植物xerophyte
- 沼泽植物bog plant;swamp plant
- 室内装饰植物indoor decorative plant;house plant
- 切花cut flower
- 垂枝植物pendulous plant;weeping plant
- 缠绕植物twiner;twinning plant
- 针叶植物needle-leaved plant
- 阔叶植物broad-leaved plant
- 斑叶植物variegate-leaved plant
- 松柏植物conifer
- 常绿植物evergreen plant