科学技术名词为您提供上链复形,cochain complex,上链复形的意思,cochain complex的意思,上链复形的英文,cochain complex的翻译,上链复形的翻译,上链复形是什么意思,上链复形什么意思,cochain complex是什么意思,cochain complex什么意思
上链复形 相关科技名词
- 关联矩阵incidence matrices
- 相对闭链relative cycle
- 边缘链boundary chain
- 同调[的]homologous
- 零调[的]acyclic
- 同调类homology class
- 同调群homology group
- 单[纯]形simplex
- 定向单形oriented simplex
- [单形的]面face of simplex
- [单形的]真面proper face of a simplex
- 承载单形carrier simplex
- 星形star
- 开星形open star
- 闭星形closed star
- 单纯复形simplicial complex
- 几何单形geometric simplex
- 几何单纯复形geometric simplicial complex
- 抽象单形abstract simplex
- 抽象复形abstract complex
- 子复形subcomplex
- 覆盖的神经nerve of a covering
- 曲多面体curved polyhedron
- 可三角剖分[的]triangulable
- 剖分空间triangulated space
- 骨架skeleton
- 单纯复形的同调群homology group of simplicial complex
- 系数群coefficient group
- 整同调群integral homology group
- 贝蒂数Betti number
- 挠群torsion group
- 挠系数torsion coefficients
- 欧拉-庞加莱公式Euler-Poincare&1& formula
- 欧拉示性数Euler characteristic
- 曲面的亏格genus of a surface
- 模ρ同调群modulo ρ-homology group
- 有理同调群rational homology group
- 透镜空间lens space
- 闭子集的畴数category of a closed subset
- 统联join