科学技术名词为您提供货币收获表,money yield table,货币收获表的意思,money yield table的意思,货币收获表的英文,money yield table的翻译,货币收获表的翻译,货币收获表是什么意思,货币收获表什么意思,money yield table是什么意思,money yield table什么意思
货币收获表 相关科技名词
- 森林调查forest inventory
- 森林经理调查forest management inventory
- 作业调查forest operational inventory
- 线抽样line sampling
- 点抽样point sampling
- 可变样地法variable plot method
- 角规常数basal area factor
- 固定样地permanent sample plot
- 临时样地temporary sample plot
- 总生长量total increment
- 定期生长量periodic increment
- 连年生长量current annual increment
- 平均年生长量mean annual increment
- 林分生长量stand growth
- 生长率growth percentage
- 生长函数growth function
- 双因素法two-factor method;two-way method
- 进界生长ingrowth
- 形质生长quality increment
- 价格生长price increment
- 生长模型growth model
- 枯损模型mortality model
- 森林抽样调查forest inventory by using sampling method
- 森林资源连续清查continuous forest inventory
- 3p抽样sampling with probability proportional to prediction;3p sampling
- 森林航空调查forest aerial survey
- [树]干形[状]stem form
- 干曲线stem curve
- 形状指数form exponent
- 牛顿求积式Newton's formula
- 里克求积式Riecker's formula
- 胡伯尔求积式Huber's formula
- 西马林求积式Simalian's formula
- 区分求积sectional measurement
- 胸[高直]径diameter at breast height;DBH
- 带皮直径diameter outside bark;DOB
- 去皮直径diameter inside bark;DIB
- 小头直径top diameter
- 中央直径mid-diameter
- 径阶diameter grade