科学技术名词为您提供公园间距,distance between parks,公园间距的意思,distance between parks的意思,公园间距的英文,distance between parks的翻译,公园间距的翻译,公园间距是什么意思,公园间距什么意思,distance between parks是什么意思,distance between parks什么意思
公园间距 相关科技名词
- 城市绿地系统规划urban green space system planning
- 绿地系统green space system
- 公共绿地定额public green space quota
- 公共绿地指标public green space norm
- 绿地布局green space layout
- 吸引圈attractive circle
- 吸引距离attractive distance
- 有效半径effective radius
- 绿地资源green space resource
- 绿地效果green space effect
- 绿地规划程序planning procedure of the green space
- 空间规划space planning
- 形象规划image plan
- 实施规划implementary plan
- 必要生活空间necessary living space
- 余暇生活空间leisure time living space
- 利用频度usage frequency
- 树种规划planning of trees and shrubs
- 绿地类型type of green space
- 环状绿型annular green space
- 块状绿地green plot
- 点状绿地green spot
- 放射状绿地radiate green space
- 楔状绿地wedge-shaped green space
- 缓冲绿地buffer green space
- 防音绿地noiseproof green space
- 科学景观论scientific landscape theory
- 园林保留地reserve garden
- 公园规划park planning
- 园林总体规划garden master planning
- 总平面规划site planning
- 园林分区garden zoning
- 安静休息区tranquil rest area
- 儿童活动区children playing space
- 儿童游戏场children playground;playlot
- 体育运动区sports activities area
- 野餐区picnic place
- 散步区pedestrian space
- 群众集会区mass meeting square
- 观赏植物区ornamental plants area