科学技术名词为您提供内侧髁上线,medial supracondylar line,内侧髁上线的意思,medial supracondylar line的意思,内侧髁上线的英文,medial supracondylar line的翻译,内侧髁上线的翻译,内侧髁上线是什么意思,内侧髁上线什么意思,medial supracondylar line是什么意思,medial supracondylar line什么意思
内侧髁上线 相关科技名词
- 茎突styloid process
- 背侧结节dorsal tubercle
- 尺切迹ulnar notch
- 腕关节面carpal articular surface
- 尺骨ulna
- 鹰嘴olecranon
- 冠突coronoid process
- 尺骨粗隆ulnar tuberosity
- 滑车切迹trochlear notch
- 桡切迹radial notch
- 尺骨体body of ulna
- 前面anterior surface
- 后面posterior surface
- 内侧面medial surface
- 骨间缘interosseous border
- 前缘anterior border
- 后缘posterior border
- 旋后肌嵴supinator crest
- 尺骨头head of ulna
- 环状关节面articular circumference
- 茎突styloid process
- 手骨bones of hand
- 腕骨carpal bones;carpus
- 中央骨central bone
- 手舟骨scaphoid bone
- 舟骨结节tubercle of scaphoid bone
- 月骨lunate bone
- 三角骨triangular bone
- 豌豆骨pisiform bone
- 大多角骨trapezium bone
- 大多角骨结节tubercle of trapezium bone
- 小多角骨trapezoid bone
- 头状骨capitate bone
- 钩骨hamate bone
- 钩骨钩hamulus of hamate bone;hook of hamate bone
- 腕骨沟carpal groove;sulcus of wrist
- 掌骨metacarpal bones
- 掌骨底base of metacarpal bone
- 掌骨体body of metacarpal bone
- 掌骨头head of metacarpal bone