尾节 相关科技名词
- 性成熟sexual maturity
- 性成熟度maturity
- 性成熟系数mature coefficient
- 性腺发育周期gondola development cycle
- 卵生oviparity
- 卵胎生ovoviviparity
- 胎生viviparity
- [性腺]未分化型undifferentiated gonochorist
- [性腺]分化型differentiated gonochorist
- 全雌型allfemale type
- 同步发育型[卵母细胞]synchronous oocyte development
- 分批发育型[卵母细胞]group-synchronous oocyte development
- 分散发育型[卵母细胞]asynchronous oocyte development
- 被卵巢cystovarian
- 裸卵巢gymnovarian
- 不完全裸卵巢semigymnovarian
- 生态习性ecological habit
- 变态metamorphosis
- 洄游migration
- 休眠dormancy
- 冬眠hibernation
- 夏眠aestivation
- 集群性sociability;gregariousness
- 趋光性phototaxis;phototaxy
- 趋电性galvanotaxis
- 趋流性rheotaxis
- 夜行性nocturnal habit
- 自切autotomy
- 再生regeneration
- 空间分布spatial distribution
- 垂直分布vertical distribution
- 鱼类fishes
- 鱼类学ichthyology
- 鱼类形态学morphology of fishes
- 鱼类分类学taxonomy of fishes
- 鱼类生态学ecology of fishes
- 鱼类生物学biology of fishes
- 鱼类生理学physiology of fishes
- 甲胄鱼类Ostracodermi(拉)
- 鳍甲类Pteraspida(拉)