英文对照washing method of artificial fertilization
见载刊物《水产名词》 科学出版社
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洗卵法人工授精 相关科技名词
- 水产养殖学science of aquiculture;aquaculture science
- 水产养殖aquiculture;aquaculture
- 粗[放]养[殖]extensive cultivation
- 集约养殖intensive cultivation
- 半集约养殖semi-intensive cultivation
- 工厂化养殖industrial aquaculture
- 封闭式水循环系统closed circulating water system
- 多级养殖multi-class culture
- 生态系养殖ecosystem culture
- 池塘养殖pond culture
- 养成池growing pond
- 暂养池storage pond;holding pond
- 越冬池wintering pond
- 网箱养殖culture in net cage
- 网箱net cage
- 浮式网箱floating net cage
- 沉式网箱submerging cage
- 固定网箱fixed cage
- 围栏养殖enclosure culture;net enclosure culture
- 养殖技术cultivation techniques
- 养殖规程aquaculture regulation;aquaculture routine
- 养殖模式aquaculture model
- 健康养殖healthy aquaculture
- 温室green house
- 单养monoculture
- 混养polyculture
- 套养intercropping
- 贝藻套养shellfish-algae intercropping
- 轮养rotational culture
- 暂养temporary culture;relaying
- 苗种培育seed rearing
- 自然繁殖natural propagation
- 天然苗种natural seeding;wild fry
- 苗种捕捞seed catching
- 半人工采苗semi-artificial collection of seedling
- 全人工采苗complete artificial collection of seedling
- 生长基质substratum
- 人工生长基质artificial substrate
- 育苗器breeding device
- 自然纳苗stocking by natural;receive natural seed