环甲关节囊 capsule of cricothyroid joint 环甲关节囊的意思 capsule of cricothyroid joint的意思 环甲关节囊的英文
英文对照capsule of cricothyroid joint
所属学科基础医学 > 人体解剖学 > 内脏解剖 > 呼吸系统
见载刊物《人体解剖学名词》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供环甲关节囊,capsule of cricothyroid joint,环甲关节囊的意思,capsule of cricothyroid joint的意思,环甲关节囊的英文,capsule of cricothyroid joint的翻译,环甲关节囊的翻译,环甲关节囊是什么意思,环甲关节囊什么意思,capsule of cricothyroid joint是什么意思,capsule of cricothyroid joint什么意思
环甲关节囊 相关科技名词
- 中鼻道middle nasal meatus
- 筛泡ethmoidal bulla
- 筛漏斗ethmoidal infundibulum
- 半月裂孔semilunar hiatus
- 中鼻道前房atrium of middle meatus
- 下鼻道inferior nasal meatus
- 鼻泪管口orifice of nasolacrimal duct
- 鼻咽道nasopharyngeal meatus
- 切牙管incisive duct
- 鼻旁窦paranasal sinuses
- 上颌窦maxillary sinus
- 蝶窦sphenoidal sinus
- 额窦frontal sinus
- 前筛窦anterior ethmoidal sinuses
- 中筛窦middle ethmoidal sinuses
- 后筛窦posterior ethmoidal sinuses
- 喉larynx
- 喉软骨laryngeal cartilages
- 喉关节laryngeal joints
- 甲状软骨thyroid cartilage
- 喉结laryngeal prominence
- 右板right lamina
- 左板left lamina
- 上切迹superior thyroid notch
- 下切迹inferior thyroid notch
- 上结节superior thyroid tubercle
- 下结节inferior thyroid tubercle
- 斜线oblique line
- 上角superior cornu
- 下角inferior cornu
- 甲状软骨孔thyroid foramen
- 甲状舌骨膜thyrohyoid membrane
- 甲状舌骨正中韧带median thyrohyoid ligament
- 会厌软骨前脂体preepiglottic adipose body
- 甲状舌骨外侧韧带lateral thyrohyoid ligament
- 麦粒软骨triticeal cartilage
- 环状软骨cricoid cartilage
- 环状软骨弓arch of cricoid cartilage
- 环状软骨板lamina of cricoid cartilage
- 杓关节面arytenoid articular surface