911chaxun查询科学技术名词内脏学, 消化系统
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所属学科基础医学 > 人体解剖学 > 内脏解剖 > 内脏学, 消化系统
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外侧支 相关科技名词
- 集合淋巴滤泡aggregated lymphatic follicles
- 十二指肠duodenum
- 上部superior part
- 壶腹ampulla
- 降部descending part
- 十二指肠纵襞longitudinal fold of duodenum
- 十二指肠大乳头major duodenal papilla
- 十二指肠小乳头minor duodenal papilla
- 水平部horizontal part
- 升部ascending part
- 十二指肠上曲superior duodenal flexure
- 十二指肠下曲inferior duodenal flexure
- 十二指肠空肠曲duodenojejunal flexure
- 十二指肠悬肌suspensory muscle of duodenum
- 空肠jejunum
- 回肠ileum
- 大肠large intestine
- 盲肠cecum
- 回盲瓣ileocecal valve
- 回盲瓣口orifice of ileocecal valve
- 回盲乳头ileocecal papilla;ileal papilla
- 回盲瓣系带frenulum of ileocecal valve
- 回盲口ileocecal orifice
- 阑尾vermiform appendix
- 阑尾口orifice of vermiform appendix
- 阑尾集合淋巴滤泡aggregated lymphatic follicles of vermiform appendix
- 结肠colon
- 升结肠ascending colon
- 结肠右曲right colic flexure
- 横结肠transverse colon
- 结肠左曲left colic flexure
- 降结肠descending colon
- 乙状结肠sigmoid colon
- 结肠半月襞semilunar folds of colon
- 结肠袋haustra of colon
- 肠脂垂epiploic appendices
- 结肠带colic band
- 结肠系膜带mesocolic band
- 网膜带omental band
- 独立带free band