总腱环 common tendinous ring 总腱环的意思 common tendinous ring的意思 总腱环的英文 common tendinous ring的翻译
英文对照common tendinous ring
所属学科基础医学 > 人体解剖学 > 感觉器解剖 > 感觉器,视器
见载刊物《人体解剖学名词》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供总腱环,common tendinous ring,总腱环的意思,common tendinous ring的意思,总腱环的英文,common tendinous ring的翻译,总腱环的翻译,总腱环是什么意思,总腱环什么意思,common tendinous ring是什么意思,common tendinous ring什么意思
总腱环 相关科技名词
- 眼睑eyelids
- 上睑upper eyelid
- 下睑lower eyelid
- 睑前面anterior surface of eyelid
- 睑鼻襞palpebronasal fold
- 睑后面posterior surface of eyelid
- 睑裂palpebral fissure
- 睑外侧连合lateral palpebral commissure
- 睑内侧连合medial palpebral commissure
- 外<&14&>lateral angle of eye
- 内<&14&>medial angle of eye
- 睑前缘anterior palpebral edge
- 睑后缘posterior palpebral edge
- 上睑板superior tarsus
- 下睑板inferior tarsus
- 睑内侧韧带medial palpebral ligament
- 睑外侧韧带lateral palpebral ligament
- 睑外侧缝lateral palpebral raphe
- 睑板腺tarsal glands
- 睫毛腺ciliary glands
- 皮脂腺sebaceous glands
- 上睑板肌superior tarsalis
- 下睑板肌inferior tarsalis
- 结膜conjunctiva
- 结膜半月襞conjunctival semilunar fold
- 泪阜lacrimal caruncle
- 球结膜bulbar conjunctiva
- 睑结膜palpebral conjunctiva
- 结膜上穹superior conjunctival fornix
- 结膜下穹inferior conjunctival fornix
- 结膜囊conjunctival sac
- 结膜腺conjunctival glands
- 泪器lacrimal apparatus
- 泪腺lacrimal gland
- 眶部orbital part
- 睑部palpebral part
- 泪腺排泄小管excretory ductules of lacrimal gland
- 副泪腺accessory lacrimal glands
- 泪河lacrimal riuer
- 泪湖lacrimal lacus