科学技术名词为您提供切触结构,contact structure,切触结构的意思,contact structure的意思,切触结构的英文,contact structure的翻译,切触结构的翻译,切触结构是什么意思,切触结构什么意思,contact structure是什么意思,contact structure什么意思
切触结构 相关科技名词
- 微分流形differential manifold;differentiable manifold
- 图册atlas
- [坐标]卡chart
- 底拓扑空间underlying topological space
- 微分结构differential structure
- 坐标邻域coordinate neighborhood
- 切丛tangent bundle
- 标架丛frame bundle
- 微分映射differential mapping;differentiable mapping
- 微分同胚diffeomorphism
- 微分拓扑differential topology
- 光滑流形smooth manifold
- 闭流形closed manifold
- 殆复流形almost complex manifold
- 复结构complex structure
- 殆复结构almost complex structure
- 解析流形analytic manifold
- 旗流形flag manifold
- 映射的微分differential of a map
- 水平子集sublevel set
- 正则映射regular mapping
- 正则点regular point
- 正则值regular value
- 临界点critical point
- 临界值critical value
- 浸入immersion
- 正则子流形regular submanifold
- 闭子流形closed submanifold
- 法丛normal bundle
- 管状邻域tubular neighborhood
- 横截transversal
- 横截性transversality
- 浸没submersion
- 单参数变换群one parameter group of transformations
- 微分[形]式differential form
- n次微分[形]式n-form
- 闭微分[形]式closed differential form
- 微分分次代数differential graded algebra
- 分层stratification
- 微分理想differential ideal