科学技术名词为您提供硬脑膜,cerebral dura mater,硬脑膜的意思,cerebral dura mater的意思,硬脑膜的英文,cerebral dura mater的翻译,硬脑膜的翻译,硬脑膜是什么意思,硬脑膜什么意思,cerebral dura mater是什么意思,cerebral dura mater什么意思
硬脑膜 相关科技名词
- 脑脊膜meninges
- 硬脑膜cerebral dura mater
- 大脑镰cerebral falx
- 小脑幕tentorium of cerebellum
- 幕切迹tentorial incisure
- 小脑镰cerebellar falx
- 鞍膈diaphragma sellae
- 三叉神经腔trigeminal cave
- 硬膜下隙subdural space
- 硬脊膜spinal dura mater
- 硬膜外隙epidural space
- 脑蛛网膜cerebral arachnoid mater
- 蛛网膜下隙subarachnoid space
- 蛛网膜下池subarachnoid cisterns
- 小脑延髓池cerebellomedullary cistern
- 大脑外侧窝池cistern of lateral fossa of cerebrum
- 桥池pontine cistern
- 脚间池interpeduncular cistern
- 交叉池chiasmatic cistern
- 环池cisterna ambiens
- 胼胝体周池cisterna pericallosa
- 蛛网膜[颗]粒arachnoid granulations
- 脑脊液cerebrospinal fluid
- 脊髓蛛网膜spinal arachnoid mater
- 终池terminal cistern
- 软脑膜cerebral pia mater
- 第四脑室脉络组织tela choroidea of fourth ventricle
- 第四脑室脉络丛choroid plexus of fourth ventricle
- 第三脑室脉络组织tela choroidea of third ventricle
- 第三脑室脉络丛choroid plexus of third ventricle
- 侧脑室脉络丛choroid plexus of lateral ventricle
- 软脊膜spinal pia mater
- 齿状韧带denticulate ligament
- 血脑屏障blood-brain barrier