鼓索交通支 communicating branch with chorda tympani 鼓索交通支的意思 communicating branch with chorda tympani的意思
英文对照communicating branch with chorda tympani
所属学科基础医学 > 人体解剖学 > 周围神经解剖 > 脑神经
见载刊物《人体解剖学名词》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供鼓索交通支,communicating branch with chorda tympani,鼓索交通支的意思,communicating branch with chorda tympani的意思,鼓索交通支的英文,communicating branch with chorda tympani的翻译,鼓索交通支的翻译,鼓索交通支是什么意思,鼓索交通支什么意思,communicating branch with chorda tympani是什么意思,communicating branch with chorda tympani什么意思
鼓索交通支 相关科技名词
- 鼻外侧支lateral nasal branches
- 鼻内侧支medial nasal branch
- 鼻外支external nasal branches
- 滑车下神经infratrochlear nerve`
- 睑支palpebral branches
- 上颌神经maxillary nerve
- 脑膜支meningeal branch
- 神经节支ganglionic branches
- 翼腭神经节pterygopalatine ganglion
- 副交感根parasympathetic root
- 交感根sympathetic root
- 感觉根sensory root
- 眶支orbital branches
- 鼻后上外侧支lateral posterior superior nasal branches
- 鼻后上内侧支medial posterior superior nasal branches
- 鼻腭神经nasopalatine nerves
- 鼻腭长神经long nasopalatine nerve
- 鼻中膈支nasal septum branches
- 鼻腭短神经short nasopalatine nerves
- 鼻外侧支lateral nasal branches
- 上颌窦支maxillary sinus branches
- 咽支pharyngeal branches
- 腭大神经greater palatine nerve
- 鼻后下支posterior inferior nasal branches
- 腭小神经lesser palatine nerves
- 扁桃体支tonsillar branches
- 颧神经zygomatic nerve
- 颧颞支zygomaticotemporal branch
- 颧面支zygomaticofacial branch
- 眶下神经infraorbital nerve
- 上牙槽神经superior alveolar nerves
- 上牙槽后支posterior superior alveolar branches
- 上牙槽中支middle superior alveolar branch
- 上牙槽前支anterior superior alveolar branches
- 上牙丛superior dental plexus
- 上牙支superior dental branches
- 上牙龈支superior gingival branches
- 下睑支inferior palpebral branches
- 鼻外支external nasal branch
- 鼻内支in ernal nasal branches