英文对照vestibular ganglion
所属学科基础医学 > 人体解剖学 > 周围神经解剖 > 脑神经
见载刊物《人体解剖学名词》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供前庭神经节,vestibular ganglion,前庭神经节的意思,vestibular ganglion的意思,前庭神经节的英文,vestibular ganglion的翻译,前庭神经节的翻译,前庭神经节是什么意思,前庭神经节什么意思,vestibular ganglion是什么意思,vestibular ganglion什么意思
前庭神经节 相关科技名词
- 上唇支suerior labial branches
- 下颌神经mandibular nerve
- 脑膜支meningeral branch
- 咬肌神经masseteric nerve
- 颞深神经deep temproal merves
- 翼外肌神经lateral pterygoid nerve
- 翼内肌神经medial pterygoid nerrve
- 耳神经节otic ganglion
- 翼内肌神经交通支communicating branch with medial pterygoid nerve
- 腭帆张肌神经nerve to tensor veli palatini
- 鼓膜张肌神经nerve to tensor tympani
- 颊神经buccal nerve
- 耳颞神经auriculotemporal nerve
- 外耳道神经nerve to external acoustic meatus
- 鼓膜支branches of tympanic membrane
- 腮腺支parotid branches
- 面神经交通支communicating branches with facial nerve
- 耳前神经anterior auricular nerves
- 颞浅神经superficial temporal nerves
- 舌神经lingual nerve
- 咽峡支branches to isthmus of fauces
- 舌下神经交通支communicating branches with hypoglossal nerve
- 鼓索交通支communicating branch with chorda tympani
- 舌底神经sublingual nerve
- 舌支lingual branch
- 神经节支ganglionic branches
- 下颌下神经节submandibular ganglion
- 副交感支parasympathetic branch
- 腺支glandualr branches
- 下牙槽神经inferior alveolar nerve
- 下颌舌骨肌神经mylohyoid nerve
- 下牙丛inferior dental plexus
- 下牙支inferior dental branches
- 下牙龈支inferior gingival branches
- 颏神经mental nerve
- 颏支mental branches
- 唇支labial branches
- 牙龈支gingival branches
- 展神经(Ⅵ)abducent nerve (Ⅵ)
- 面神经(Ⅶ)facial nerve