舌 相关科技名词
- 消化管digestive tube;digestive tract
- 黏膜mucous membrane
- 固有层lamina propria (拉)
- 黏膜肌层muscularis mucosae (拉)
- 黏膜下层submucosa (拉)
- 肌层muscularis (拉);muscularis externa (拉)
- 环肌circular muscle
- 纵肌longitudinal muscle
- 纤维膜fibrosa (拉)
- 浆膜下层subserosa (拉)
- 浆膜serous membrane
- 口腔oral cavity
- 舌tongue
- 舌乳头lingual papilla
- 丝状乳头filiform papilla
- 菌状乳头fungiform papilla
- 叶状乳头foliate papilla
- 轮廓乳头circumvallate papilla
- 味腺taste gland;von Ebner's gland
- 味蕾taste bud
- 味孔taste pore
- 味细胞taste cell
- [味蕾]支持细胞supporting cell
- [味蕾]基细胞basal cell
- 唇腺labial gland
- 颊腺buccal gland
- 舌腺lingual gland
- 腭腺palatine gland
- 牙tooth
- 牙本质dentin
- 成牙本质细胞odontoblast
- 成牙本质细胞突odontoblast process;Tomes' fiber
- 牙本质小管dentinal tubule
- 小管周牙本质peritubular dentin
- 牙本质鞘dentinal sheath;sheath of Neumann
- 牙本质基质dentinal matrix
- 前牙本质predentin
- 牙本质生长线incremental line of Owen;Owen's line
- 小球间牙本质interglobular dentin
- 托姆斯颗粒层Tomes' granular layer