口蹄疫 foot and mouth disease 口蹄疫的意思 foot and mouth disease的意思 口蹄疫的英文 foot and mouth disease的翻译
科学技术名词为您提供口蹄疫,foot and mouth disease,口蹄疫的意思,foot and mouth disease的意思,口蹄疫的英文,foot and mouth disease的翻译,口蹄疫的翻译,口蹄疫是什么意思,口蹄疫什么意思,foot and mouth disease是什么意思,foot and mouth disease什么意思
口蹄疫 相关科技名词
- 传染病学lemology
- 感染性疾病infectious diseases
- 医院内感染nosocomial infection
- 机会性感染opportunistic infection
- 传染病communicable diseases;infectious diseases
- 携带者carrier
- 显性感染apparent infection
- 隐性感染inapparent infection
- 混合感染mixed infection
- 重叠感染superinfection
- 同时感染coinfection
- 潜在性感染latent infection
- 再感染reinfection
- 重复感染repeated infection
- 再燃recrudescence
- 复发relapse
- 潜伏期incubation period
- 前驱期prodromal period
- 症状明显期period of apparent manifestation
- 恢复期convalescent period
- 暴发型fulminant type
- 顿挫型abortive type
- 逍遥型ambulatory type
- 焦痂eschar
- 假膜pseudomembrane
- 科氏斑Koplik spot
- 巴氏线Pastia lines
- 口周苍白圈circum-oral pallor
- 草莓舌strawberry tongue
- 杨梅舌myrica tongue
- 公牛颈bull neck
- 恶性水肿malignant edema
- 犬吠样咳嗽barking cough
- 皮肤转白试验blanching test;Schultz-Charlton test
- 狄克试验Dick test
- 恐水hydrophobia
- 内氏小体Negri bodies
- 玫瑰疹roseola;rose spot
- 米泔水样便rice-water stool
- 三脚架征tripod sign