科学技术名词为您提供胆囊穿孔,perforation of gallbladder,胆囊穿孔的意思,perforation of gallbladder的意思,胆囊穿孔的英文,perforation of gallbladder的翻译,胆囊穿孔的翻译,胆囊穿孔是什么意思,胆囊穿孔什么意思,perforation of gallbladder是什么意思,perforation of gallbladder什么意思
胆囊穿孔 相关科技名词
- 横结肠造口术transverse colostomy
- 袢式结肠造口术loop colostomy
- 端式结肠造口术terminal colostomy
- 双管结肠造口术double barrel colostomy
- 迪瓦恩结肠造口术Devine colostomy
- 米库利兹结肠造口术Mikulicz colostomy
- 暂时性结肠造口术temporary colostomy
- 永久性结肠造口术permanent colostomy
- 回肠横结肠吻合术ileotransversostomy
- 回肠肛管吻合术ileoanal anastomosis
- 结肠镜检查[术]colonoscopy
- 乙状结肠镜检查[术]sigmoidoscopy
- 直肠狭窄stricture of rectum
- 直肠后脓肿retrorectal abscess
- 直肠周围脓肿perirectal abscess
- 骨盆直肠窝脓肿pelvirectal abscess
- 坐骨直肠窝脓肿ischiorectal abscess
- 直肠膨出rectocele
- 直肠阴道瘘rectovaginal fistula
- 直肠脱垂rectal prolapse
- 直肠瘘rectal fistula
- 直肠炎proctitis
- 直肠损伤rectal injury
- 隐窝炎cryptitis
- 拖出术pull-through operation
- 直肠乙状结肠镜检查[术]proctosigmoidoscopy
- 直肠镜检查[术]proctoscopy
- 直肠固定术proctopexy;rectopexy
- 直肠切除术proctectomy
- 经腹骶直肠切除术abdominosacral resection;anterior resection
- 结肠直肠切除术coloproctectomy
- 息肉切除[术]polypectomy
- 圈套烧灼术snaring cautery
- 迈尔斯手术Miles operation
- 痔hemorrhoid
- 血栓性外痔thrombosed external hemorrhoid
- 内痔internal hemorrhoid
- 混合痔mixed hemorrhoid
- 外痔external hemorrhoid
- 前哨痔sentinel pile