英文对照plastic repair of Oddi sphincter
见载刊物《医学名词(第六分册)》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供奥迪括约肌成形术,plastic repair of Oddi sphincter,奥迪括约肌成形术的意思,plastic repair of Oddi sphincter的意思,奥迪括约肌成形术的英文,plastic repair of Oddi sphincter的翻译,奥迪括约肌成形术的翻译,奥迪括约肌成形术是什么意思,奥迪括约肌成形术什么意思,plastic repair of Oddi sphincter是什么意思,plastic repair of Oddi sphincter什么意思
奥迪括约肌成形术 相关科技名词
- 肠外瘘enterocutaneous fistula
- 肠缺血ischemia of intestine
- 肠胀气intestinal tympanites
- 肠穿孔perforation of intestine
- 肠梗阻intestinal obstruction;ileus
- 麻痹性肠梗阻paralytic ileus
- 绞窄性肠梗阻strangulated intestinal obstruction
- 闭袢性肠梗阻closed loop intestinal obstruction
- 机械性肠梗阻mechanical intestinal obstruction;mechanical ileus
- 痉挛性肠梗阻spastic intestinal obstruction
- 胆石性肠梗阻gallstone ileus
- 部分肠梗阻partial intestinal obstruction
- 假性结肠梗阻false colonic obstruction;Ogilvie syndrome
- 肠扭转volvulus
- 肠系膜上动脉压迫综合征superior mesenteric artery compression syndrome
- 小肠排列术plication of small intestine
- 憩室切除术diverticulectomy
- 肠旁路术intestinal bypass
- 肠外置术intestinal exteriorization
- 肠切除术intestinal resection
- 肠切开术enterotomy
- 空肠回肠旁路术jejunoileal bypass
- 空肠造口术jejunostomy
- 肠造口术enterostomy
- 肠吻合[术]intestinal anastomosis
- 布劳吻合[术]Braun anastomosis
- 端侧吻合[术]end-to-side anastomosis
- 侧侧吻合[术]side-to-side anastomosis
- 端端吻合[术]end-to-end anastomosis
- 食管空肠吻合术esophagojejunostomy
- 肠侧侧吻合[术]side-to-side intestinal anastomosis
- 鲁氏Y形吻合[术]Roux-en-Y anastomosis
- 肠端侧吻合[术]end-to-side intestinal anastomosis
- 肠端端吻合[术]end-to-end intestinal anastomosis
- 类癌综合征carcinoid syndrome
- 阑尾炎appendicitis
- 阑尾残端appendiceal stump
- 阑尾周围脓肿periappendiceal abscess
- 盲肠后位阑尾retrocecal appendix
- 腰大肌征psoas sign