科学技术名词为您提供急性脑肿胀,acute brain swelling,急性脑肿胀的意思,acute brain swelling的意思,急性脑肿胀的英文,acute brain swelling的翻译,急性脑肿胀的翻译,急性脑肿胀是什么意思,急性脑肿胀什么意思,acute brain swelling是什么意思,acute brain swelling什么意思
急性脑肿胀 相关科技名词
- 血管内支架endovascular stent
- 缺血性脑血管疾病手术operation for ischemic cerebrovascular diseases
- 颅外-颅内动脉吻合术extra-intracranial artery anastomosis
- 颞浅-大脑中动脉吻合术superficial temporal artery-middle cerebral artery anastomosis
- 颞浅-小脑上动脉吻合术superficial temporal artery-superior cerebellar artery anastomosis
- 枕-小脑后下动脉吻合术occipital artery-posterior inferior cerebellar artery anastomosis
- 动脉旁路术arterial bypass
- 颈动脉血栓切除术carotid thrombectomy
- 颈动脉内膜切除术carotid endarterectomy
- 颈动脉植片修补术patch grafting of carotid artery
- 脑脓肿手术brain abscess operation
- 脑脓肿抽吸术aspiration of brain abscess
- 脑脓肿引流术drainage of brain abscess
- 脑脓肿切除术excision of brain abscess
- 导水管扩张术dilatation of aqueduct
- 胼胝体切开术corpus callosotomy
- 颅缝重建术reconstruction of cranial suture
- 颅骨牵引术skull traction
- 垂体切除术hypophysectomy
- 扣带回切开术cingulotomy
- 颅神经手术operation for cranial nerve
- 视神经管减压术decompression of optic canal
- 三叉神经眼枝撕脱术avulsion of ophthalmic branch of trigeminal nerve
- 三叉神经感觉根切断术sensory rhizotomy of trigeminal nerve
- 三叉神经射频热凝固术radiofrequency thermocoagulation of trigeminal nerve
- 三叉神经半月节射频热凝固术radiofrequency thermocoagulation for gasserian ganglion
- 三叉神经半月节甘油注射术glycerol injection of gasserian ganglion
- 显微[神经]血管减压术microsurgical [neuro-]vascular decompression
- 面神经吻合术facial nerve anastomosis
- 面-舌下神经吻合术facial-hypoglossal nerve anastomosis
- 面-副神经吻合术facial-accessory nerve anastomosis
- 面肌抽搐射频热凝固术radiofrequency thermocoagulation for facial tic
- 椎板切除术laminectomy
- 椎管内肿瘤切除术excision of intraspinal tumor
- 椎管内脓肿清除术evacuation of intraspinal abscess
- 椎间孔扩大术intervertebral foramenotomy
- 脊髓前连合切断术anterior commissurotomy of spinal cord
- 脊髓前外侧束切断术anteriolateral cordotomy
- 脊神经后根切断术spinal posterior rhizotomy
- 立体定向脊髓束切断术stereotaxic cordotomy