英文对照ratio of physiological dead space to tidal volume
见载刊物《医学名词(第一分册)》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供生理无效腔占潮气量比值,ratio of physiological dead space to tidal volume,生理无效腔占潮气量比值的意思,ratio of physiological dead space to tidal volume的意思,生理无效腔占潮气量比值的英文,ratio of physiological dead space to tidal volume的翻译,生理无效腔占潮气量比值的翻译,生理无效腔占潮气量比值是什么意思,生理无效腔占潮气量比值什么意思,ratio of physiological dead space to tidal volume是什么意思,ratio of physiological dead space to tidal volume什么意思
生理无效腔占潮气量比值 相关科技名词
- 阻塞性通气障碍obstructive ventilatory disorder
- 限制性通气障碍restrictive ventilatory disorder
- 混合性通气障碍mixed ventilatory disorder
- 通气与血流灌注比值失调ventilation/perfusion mismatching
- 弥散障碍diffusion disorder
- 肺泡通气过度alveolar hyperventilation
- 肺泡通气不足alveolar hypoventilation
- 呼吸过度hyperpnea
- 呼吸不足hypopnea
- 通气过度hyperventilation
- 通气不足hypoventilation
- 高氧血hyperoxemia
- 低氧血hypoxemia
- 高碳酸血hypercapnia;hypercarbia
- 低碳酸血hypocapnia;hypocarbia
- 缺氧hypoxia
- 充气过度hyperinflation
- 空气滞留air trapping
- 通气分布不均maldistribution of ventilation
- 机械通气mechanical ventilation
- 人工通气artificial ventilation
- 通气机ventilator
- 容积转换型通气机volume-cycled ventilator
- 压力转换型通气机pressure-cycled ventilator
- 时间转换型通气机time-cycled ventilator
- 手控呼吸器manual respirator
- 控制通气controlled ventilation
- 容积控制通气volume controlled ventilation
- 容积控制通气加叹气volume controlled ventilation-sigh
- 压力控制通气pressure controlled ventilation
- 辅助通气assisted ventilation
- 压力辅助通气pressure assisted ventilation
- 同步间歇指令通气synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation;SIMV
- 持续正压呼吸continuous positive pressure breathing;CPPB
- 连续气道正压通气continuous positive airway pressure;CPAP
- 自发通气spontaneous ventilation
- 手控通气manual ventilation
- 呼气末正压通气positive end expiratory pressure;PEEP
- 间歇正压通气intermittent positive pressure ventilation;IPPV
- 间歇负压通气intermittent negative pressure ventilation