科学技术名词为您提供动态肺顺应性,dynamic lung compliance,动态肺顺应性的意思,dynamic lung compliance的意思,动态肺顺应性的英文,dynamic lung compliance的翻译,动态肺顺应性的翻译,动态肺顺应性是什么意思,动态肺顺应性什么意思,dynamic lung compliance是什么意思,dynamic lung compliance什么意思
动态肺顺应性 相关科技名词
- 潮式呼吸Cheyne-Stokes respiration
- 库斯莫尔呼吸Kussmaul respiration
- 比奥呼吸Biot respiration
- 桶状胸barrel chest
- 克勒尼希峡Kronig isthmus
- 触觉语颤tactile fremitus
- 支气管呼吸音bronchial breathing sound
- 肺泡呼吸音vesicular breathing sound
- 支气管肺泡呼吸音bronchovesicular breathing sound
- 断续性呼吸音cogwheel breathing sound
- 管性呼吸音tubular breathing sound
- 附加音adventitious sound
- 鼾音sonorous rhonchi
- 哨笛音sibilant rhonchi
- <&1&>音rales
- 干<&1&>音dry rales;rhonchi
- 湿<&1&>音moist rales;crackles
- 粗湿<&1&>音coarse rales;coarse crackles
- 中湿<&1&>音medium rales;medium crackles
- 细湿<&1&>音fine rales;fine crackles
- 捻发音crepitus
- 听觉语音vocal resonance
- 耳语音whispered pectoriloquy
- 胸膜摩擦音pleuritic rub
- 肺活检lung biopsy
- 纤维支气管镜检查fiberoptic bronchoscopy
- 动脉血气分析arterial blood gas analysis
- 克韦姆试验Kveim test
- 肺功能检查pulmonary function test
- 弥散量diffusing capacity
- 呼吸频率respiratory frequency
- 气体浓度分数fraction concentration of gas
- 气传导率conductance
- 血量volume of blood
- 血流量blood flow
- 换气比值respiratory exchange ratio
- 血液中血红蛋白饱和度saturation of Hb in the blood phase
- 气体容积gas volume
- 每分通气量minute ventilation volume
- 肺泡气alveolar gas