科学技术名词为您提供包裹性脓胸,encapsulated empyema,包裹性脓胸的意思,encapsulated empyema的意思,包裹性脓胸的英文,encapsulated empyema的翻译,包裹性脓胸的翻译,包裹性脓胸是什么意思,包裹性脓胸什么意思,encapsulated empyema是什么意思,encapsulated empyema什么意思
包裹性脓胸 相关科技名词
- 回盲部结核ileocecal tuberculosis
- 乙状结肠结核tuberculosis of sigmoid colon
- 结核性肛门周围脓肿tuberculous perianal abscess
- 肝结核tuberculosis of liver
- 脾结核tuberculosis of spleen
- 胰结核tuberculosis of pancreas
- 腹部结核abdominal tuberculosis
- 结核性腹膜炎tuberculous peritonitis
- 泌尿生殖系统结核tuberculosis of genitourinary system
- 肾结核tuberculosis of kidney
- 结核性肾盂炎tuberculous pyelitis
- 结核性肾盂肾炎tuberculous pyelonephritis
- 膀胱结核tuberculosis of bladder
- 尿道结核tuberculosis of urethra
- 睾丸结核tuberculosis of testis
- 附睾结核tuberculosis of epididymis
- 前列腺结核tuberculosis of prostate
- 精囊结核tuberculosis of seminal vesicle
- 阴茎结核tuberculosis of penis
- 阴囊壁结核tuberculosis of scrotal wall
- 男性生殖器结核male genital tuberculosis
- 女性生殖器结核female genital tuberculosis
- 艾迪生病Addison disease;tuberculosis of adrenal
- 胎儿结核fetal tuberculosis
- 胎盘结核placental tuberculosis
- 乳房结核tuberculosis of breast
- 外阴结核vulval tuberculosis
- 结核性宫颈炎tuberculous cervicitis
- 子宫内膜结核endometrial tuberculosis
- 输卵管结核tuberculosis of fallopian tube
- 卵巢结核ovarian tuberculosis
- 骨与关节结核tuberculosis of bone and joint
- 结核性关节炎tuberculous arthritis
- 结核性脊椎炎tuberculous spondylitis
- 结核性骨髓炎tuberculous osteomyelitis
- 结核性骨炎tuberculous osteitis
- 肩关节结核tuberculosis of shoulder joint
- 肘关节结核tuberculosis of elbow joint
- 结核性指炎tuberculous dactylitis
- 结核性趾炎tuberculous dactylitis