科学技术名词为您提供原发病灶,primary lesion,原发病灶的意思,primary lesion的意思,原发病灶的英文,primary lesion的翻译,原发病灶的翻译,原发病灶是什么意思,原发病灶什么意思,primary lesion是什么意思,primary lesion什么意思
原发病灶 相关科技名词
- 结核菌素皮内试验Mantoux test;intradermal terbuculin test
- 划痕试验scratch test;Pirquet test
- 希氏多孔针刺结核菌素试验Heaf multiple puncture tuberculin test
- 复强反应booster reaction
- 内源性感染再燃endogenous reinfection
- 外源性重感染exogenous superinfection
- 进展progression
- 静止quiescence
- 结核性空洞开放性愈合open healing of tuberculous cavity
- 结核病化学药物治疗chemotherapy of tuberculosis
- 初治方案initial treatment regimen
- 复治方案retreatment regimen
- 间歇疗法intermittent treatment
- 人工气胸[术]artificial pneumothorax
- 人工气腹[术]artificial pneumoperitoneum
- 人型结核菌Mycobacterium hominis
- 牛型结核菌Mycobacterium bovis
- 直接涂片法method of direct smear
- 厚涂片法method of thick smear
- 抗酸染色法acid-fast staining method
- 金胺-罗丹明荧光染色auramine-rhodamine fluorescent staining
- 浓缩法concentration method
- 齐-内染色法Ziehl-Neelsen staining method
- 荧光染色法fluorescent staining method
- 加氏计数法Gaffky scale
- 索状因子cord factor
- 分枝菌酸mycolic acids
- 烟酸试验niacin test
- 触酶试验catalase test
- 原发性耐药primary drug-resistance
- 获得性耐药acquired drug-resistance
- 起始耐药initial drug-resistance
- 天然耐药natural drug-resistance
- 消化系统结核tuberculosis of digestive system
- 舌结核tuberculosis of tongue
- 颊黏膜结核tuberculosis of buccal mucosa
- 食管结核tuberculosis of esophagus
- 胃结核tuberculosis of stomach
- 肠结核tuberculosis of intestine
- 结肠结核tuberculosis of colon