科学技术名词为您提供结核病监测,tuberculosis surveillance,结核病监测的意思,tuberculosis surveillance的意思,结核病监测的英文,tuberculosis surveillance的翻译,结核病监测的翻译,结核病监测是什么意思,结核病监测什么意思,tuberculosis surveillance是什么意思,tuberculosis surveillance什么意思
结核病监测 相关科技名词
- 呼吸系统结核病tuberculosis of respiratory system
- 肺结核pulmonary tuberculosis
- 中国肺结核病分类法Chinese classification of pulmonary tuberculosis
- 原发型肺结核primary pulmonary tuberculosis
- 血行播散型肺结核核hematogenous [disseminated]pulmonary tuberculosis
- 浸润型肺结核infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis
- 慢性纤维空洞型肺结核chronic fibro-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis
- 结核性胸膜炎tuberculous pleuritis
- 原发复合征primary complex
- 肺门淋巴结结核hilar lymphonode tuberculosis
- 纵隔淋巴结结核mediastinal lymphonode tuberculosis
- 粟粒性结核miliary tuberculosis
- 亚急性血行播散型肺结核subacute hematogenous pulmonary tuberculosis
- 慢性血行播散型肺结核chronic hematogenous pulmonary tuberculosis
- 空洞性肺结核cavitary pulmonary tuberculosis
- 干酪样肺炎caseous pneumonia
- 成人原发结核感染adult primary tuberculous infection
- 原发后肺结核病postprimary pulmonary tuberculosis
- 继发性肺结核病secondary pulmonary tuberculosis
- 无反应性结核病non-reactive tuberculosis;anergic tuberculosis
- 宫内感染结核病intrauterine infective tuberculosis
- 结核球tuberculoma
- 结核性胸腔积液tuberculous pleural effusion
- 结核性多浆膜炎tuberculous polyserositis
- 胸膜增厚pleural thickening
- 结核性脑膜炎tuberculous meningitis
- 结核性心包炎tuberculous pericarditis
- 胸膜粘连pleural adhesions
- 包裹性脓胸encapsulated empyema
- 原发病灶primary lesion
- 西蒙病灶Simon foci
- 阿斯曼病灶Assmann foci
- 结核过敏现象tuberculous allergic phenomenon
- 郭霍现象Koch phenomenon
- 阿蒂斯现象Arthus phenomenon
- 蓬塞病Poncet disease
- 旧结核菌素old tuberculin
- 结核菌素单位tuberculin unit
- 结核菌素纯蛋白衍生物purified protein derivative of tuberculin;PPD of tuberculin
- 结核菌素迟发超敏反应tuberculin delayed hypersensitivity