科学技术名词为您提供外伤性直肠炎,traumatic proctitis,外伤性直肠炎的意思,traumatic proctitis的意思,外伤性直肠炎的英文,traumatic proctitis的翻译,外伤性直肠炎的翻译,外伤性直肠炎是什么意思,外伤性直肠炎什么意思,traumatic proctitis是什么意思,traumatic proctitis什么意思
外伤性直肠炎 相关科技名词
- 胆总管结石病choledocholithiasis
- 先天性食管狭窄congenital stenosis of esophagus
- 先天性肥大性幽门狭窄congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
- 幽门梗阻pyloric obstruction
- 肠旋转不良malrotation of intestine
- 胰管梗阻pancreatemphraxis
- 肠梗阻intestinal obstruction
- 胰腺假囊肿pancreatic pseudocyst
- 胰腺囊肿pancreatic cyst
- 肠壁囊样积气pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis
- 胆总管囊肿choledochal cyst
- 先天性肝囊肿congenital cyst of liver
- 多囊肝polycystic liver
- 肝脓肿liver abscess
- 阿米巴[性]肝脓肿amebic liver abscess
- 细菌性肝脓肿bacterial liver abscess
- 胰腺脓肿abscess of pancreas
- 胆囊周围脓肿pericholecystic abscess
- 胆囊扭转torsion of gallbladder
- 胃扭转volvulus of stomach
- 十二指肠空肠襻不全旋转incomplete rotation of duodenojejunal loop
- 十二指肠蹼duodenal web
- 巨十二指肠megaduodenum
- 巨结肠megacolon
- 食管裂孔疝hiatus hernia
- 滑动性食管裂孔疝sliding hiatus hernia
- 食管旁食管裂孔疝paraesophageal hiatus hernia
- 膈疝diaphragmatic hernia
- 膈膨升eventration of diaphragm
- 胰腺分裂pancreas divisum
- 隐肛covered anus
- 胆囊钙化calcification of gallbladder
- 胰腺钙化calcification of pancreas
- 胰石病pancreatolithiasis
- 胰石pancreatolith;pancreatic calculus
- 胃[肠]石bezoar
- 毛石trichobezoar
- 植物石phytobezoar
- 柿石diospyrobezoar;persimmon bezoar
- 毛植物石trichophytobezoar