科学技术名词为您提供前囟穿刺术,puncture of anterior fontanelle,前囟穿刺术的意思,puncture of anterior fontanelle的意思,前囟穿刺术的英文,puncture of anterior fontanelle的翻译,前囟穿刺术的翻译,前囟穿刺术是什么意思,前囟穿刺术什么意思,puncture of anterior fontanelle是什么意思,puncture of anterior fontanelle什么意思
前囟穿刺术 相关科技名词
- 头皮血肿scalp hematoma
- 颅骨缺损defect of skull
- 颅骨骨瘤osteoma of skull
- 颅骨海绵状血管瘤cavernous hemangioma of skull
- 颅骨纤维性结构不良fibrous dysplasia of skull
- 颅骨嗜酸细胞肉芽肿eosinophilic granuloma of skull
- 颅骨骨髓炎osteomyelitis of skull
- 颅骨骨折fracture of skull
- 颅骨线形骨折linear fracture of skull
- 颅骨凹陷骨折depressed fracture of skull
- 颅骨粉碎骨折comminuted fracture of skull
- 颅底骨折fracture of skull base
- 开放性颅骨骨折open fracture of skull
- 闭合性颅骨骨折closed fracture of skull
- 颅骨生长性骨折growing fracture of skull
- 硬脑膜外血肿epidural hematoma
- 硬脑膜下血肿subdural hematoma
- 脑内血肿intracerebral hematoma
- 硬脑膜下水瘤subdural hydroma
- 对冲性损伤contrecoup injury
- 开放性颅脑损伤open craniocerebral injury
- 脑震荡concussion of brain
- 脑挫伤contusion of brain
- 脑干损伤brain stem injury
- 脑裂伤laceration of brain
- 急性脑肿胀acute brain swelling
- 弥散性轴索损伤diffuse axonal injury
- 颅内异物intracranial foreign body
- 脑受压compression of brain
- 创伤后脑综合征post-traumatic brain syndrome
- 颅内感染intracranial infection
- 颅内寄生虫病intracranial parasitosis
- 脑脓肿brain abscess
- 脑蛛网膜炎arachnoiditis of brain
- 脑结核瘤brain tuberculoma
- 脑梅毒瘤brain syphiloma;brain gumma
- 脑真菌性肉芽肿mycotic granuloma of brain
- 脑寄虫病cerebral parasitosis
- 脊髓疾病diseases of spinal cord
- 脊髓震荡concussion of spinal cord