科学技术名词为您提供膈良性肿瘤,benign tumor of diaphragm,膈良性肿瘤的意思,benign tumor of diaphragm的意思,膈良性肿瘤的英文,benign tumor of diaphragm的翻译,膈良性肿瘤的翻译,膈良性肿瘤是什么意思,膈良性肿瘤什么意思,benign tumor of diaphragm是什么意思,benign tumor of diaphragm什么意思
膈良性肿瘤 相关科技名词
- 胸骨切开术sternotomy
- 正中胸骨切开术median sternotomy
- 开胸探查术exploratory thoracotomy
- 胸膜腔造口术thoracostomy
- 胸膜腔引流术drainage of pleural cavity
- 肋间引流术intercostal drainage
- 肺切除术pulmonary resection
- 全肺切除术pneumonectomy
- 心包外全肺切除术extrapericardial pneumonectomy
- 根治性全肺切除术radical pneumonectomy
- 肺门血管结扎ligation of hilar vessels
- 胸膜全肺切除术pleuropneumonectomy
- 气管袖状全肺切除术tracheal sleeve pneumonectomy
- 肺叶切除术pulmonary lobectomy
- 双肺叶切除术pulmonary bilobectomy
- 肺段切除术segmental resection of lung
- 肺楔形切除术wedge resection of lung
- 支气管成形术bronchoplasty
- 支气管楔形切除术wedge resection of bronchus
- 支气管袖状切除术sleeve resection of bronchus
- 支气管袖状肺叶切除术bronchial sleeve lobectomy
- 术后脓胸postoperative empyema
- 气管食管瘘tracheo-esophageal fistula
- 气管狭窄tracheal stenosis
- 创伤后气管狭窄post-traumatic tracheal stenosis
- 气管憩室tracheal diverticulum
- 气管无名动脉瘘tracheo-innominate artery fistula
- 气管腺样囊性癌adenoid cystic carcinoma of trachea
- 气管黏液表皮样癌mucoepidermoid carcinoma of trachea
- 气管重建术reconstruction of trachea
- 人工气管置换术replacement of tracheal prosthesis;replacement of artificial trachea
- 气管成形术tracheoplasty
- 气管切除及重建术tracheal resection and reconstruction
- 隆凸成形术carinoplasty
- 隆凸切除术carina resection
- 气管开窗术fenestration of trachea
- 气管造口术tracheostomy
- 气管切开术tracheotomy
- 气管腔内T形管置入术intratracheal T-tube insertion
- 喉气管切除术laryngotracheal resection