科学技术名词为您提供胸腺囊肿,thymic cyst,胸腺囊肿的意思,thymic cyst的意思,胸腺囊肿的英文,thymic cyst的翻译,胸腺囊肿的翻译,胸腺囊肿是什么意思,胸腺囊肿什么意思,thymic cyst是什么意思,thymic cyst什么意思
胸腺囊肿 相关科技名词
- 沃特斯顿手术Waterston operation
- 全腔静脉-肺动脉连接术total cavopulmonary connection
- 拉斯泰利手术Rastelli operation
- 体-肺动脉分流术systemic pulmonary arterial shunt
- 流出道补片术outflow tract patching
- 主动脉横断钳闭术aortic cross-clamping
- 主动脉瓣环扩大成形术aortic annulus plastic enlargement
- 左房升主动脉联合切口combined left atrio-aortic incision
- 巴伯-马西娅主动脉干修复术Barbero-Marcial method of truncus arteriosus
- 布莱洛克-陶西格分流术Blalock-Taussig shunt
- 双向上腔静脉肺动脉吻合术bidirection superior cavopulmonary anastomosis;hemi-Fontan oper- ation
- 象鼻术elephant trunk technique
- 带窗的丰唐手术fenestrated Fontan operation
- 心内膜切除术endocardiectomy
- 肥厚阻塞型心肌病心肌切除术myectomy in hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy
- 多尔心室成形术Dor remodeling ventriculoplasty
- 巴蒂斯塔缩容心脏成形术Batista volume reducing cardioplasty
- 左室-主动脉通道left ventriculo-aortic conduit
- 里德二尖瓣瓣环成形术Reed mitral annuloplasty
- 锁骨下动脉片主动脉成形术subclavian arterial flap aortoplasty
- 山口隧道手术Takeuchi tunnel operation
- V-Y心房扩大成形术V-Y atrioplasty enlargement technique
- 分隔术septation operation
- 心室减压术ventricular decompression
- 动力性心肌成形术dynamic cardiomyoplasty
- 陶-宾心脏修复术repair of Taussing-Bing heart
- 戴维森分流术Davidson shunt
- 动脉转位术arterial switch procedure
- 心房转位术atrial switch procedure
- 达穆斯-凯-斯坦塞尔动脉转位术Damus-Kaye-Stansel arterial switch procedure
- 尼凯多赫-贝克斯手术Nikaidoh-Bex procedure
- 布罗姆修复术Brom repair
- 创伤性心包压塞traumatic pericardial tamponade
- 心肌挫伤myocardial contusion
- 缺血后乳头肌断裂postischemic papillary muscle rup- ture
- 缺血后乳头肌功能不良postischemic papillary muscle dys- function
- 左心室破裂left ventricle rupture
- 心[脏]瓣膜破裂cardiac valve rupture
- 主动脉破裂aortic rupture
- 主动脉夹层dissection of aorta