科学技术名词为您提供压凹性水肿,pitting edema,压凹性水肿的意思,pitting edema的意思,压凹性水肿的英文,pitting edema的翻译,压凹性水肿的翻译,压凹性水肿是什么意思,压凹性水肿什么意思,pitting edema是什么意思,pitting edema什么意思
压凹性水肿 相关科技名词
- 创伤trauma
- 创伤学traumatology
- 创伤外科学traumatic surgery
- 野战外科学field surgery
- 战伤外科学war surgery;military surgery
- 创伤病理学pathology of trauma
- 创伤细菌学bacteriology of trauma
- 创伤免疫学immunology of trauma
- 分子创伤学molecular traumatology
- 创伤弹道学wound ballistics
- 创伤感染traumatic infection
- 创伤修复repair in trauma
- 损伤后post-injury
- 创伤治疗trauma care;management of trau- ma
- 伤口wound
- 伤口愈合wound healing
- 致伤因素causative factors of injury
- 损伤injury
- 开放伤open injury
- 闭合伤closed injury
- 复合伤combined injury
- 间接复合伤combined indirect injury
- 多发伤multiple injury
- 合并伤associated injury
- 机械[性损]伤mechanical injury
- 物理[性损]伤physical injury
- 化学[性损]伤chemical injury
- 放射[性损]伤radiation injury
- 皮肤β射线伤β-ray skin injury
- 原发[性损]伤primary injury
- 继发[性损]伤secondary injury
- 撕裂伤lacerated wound;laceration
- 擦伤abrasion
- 切伤incised wound
- 砍伤chopped wound;cut wound
- 针刺伤pricking wound
- 戳伤stab wound;punctured wound
- 挫伤contusion;contused wound
- 截断伤amputation injury
- 碾压伤mangled injury